School Information / Gwybodaeth Ysgol

view_from_blaenbaglan1Blaenbaglan Primary School is located in the village of Baglan overlooking Swansea Bay. We are very lucky to have woodland on the school grounds. This is a highly valued school resource, with the Forest School playing a prominent role in the education of pupils in the school.
Through careful organisation, the school attempts to give to the children what is best in education. In all our activities we try to work as a family, where members have a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging and a feeling of being responsible to the school and to the community.
We aim to provide work each day that is balanced, varied and suitable to the child’s ability and development. These experiences will help each child to learn and to become self reliant and responsible members of the community. We aim to create a happy, caring environment with an emphasis on making learning fun where positive relationships are seen as being vital to our success.
We believe it is vital to work in partnership with parents and actively encourage them to become involved in the life of the school. We recognise the importance of continuity in the learning process and will share expertise and experience with other schools and settings. We will raise awareness of wider issues by involving members of the learning community and exploring the surrounding environment.

Learning is a life long process and it is our responsibility as adults to model effective learning. This applies to everyone who has a role to play in the provision of education at our school.