LSC 2 – Mrs French

Croeso i dosbarth Mrs French!  Here you will find important information about our school week.



Our PE day is a Friday.  For PE lessons, children are required to wear PE school uniform i.e. a white t-shirt, navy or black shorts and trainers.  Tracksuit bottoms, dark leggings and school jumpers are allowed to be worn during the Winter if PE is to take place outside.  Bright colours, crop tops, football kits etc. are not permitted.  We follow Local Authority guidelines which states that all jewellery, including stud earrings, must be removed.

*Due to current COVID restrictions, we ask that children wear their PE kit to school on their designated day*



Homework and Weekly Tests

Homework is usually put on J2Homework on a Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Thursday.  All work should be saved in their J2E online folder.  Your child can complete their work in J2Office which saves it automatically into their folder.  Alternatively, if work is done on paper, please could your child take a photograph of their work and upload it to their J2E folder.  Your child will receive weekly spellings to learn and work linked to our Maths topics.

Spelling words or rules to learn will be given in advance the previous week.  Times tables tests will be carried out regularly throughout the week.  Children are encouraged to practise all times tables up to 12 x 12.


For guidance on how to access homework on J2Homework please see the link below.

HWB Guide For Parents




Your child will have a school reading book linked to our Bug Club reading scheme.  Children have been assessed and are allocated a book at their current reading level.  A physical book will be sent home which must be returned to school each day in a book bag or folder.  Please note that when physical books are given out, a new book will not be sent home until their previous book has been returned.  There will be a £5 charge for lost or damaged books.

You child can choose to either read the physical book or the online version.  In any event, once your child has completed the book, they will need to show they have understood the storyline and characters by completing the comprehension questions online via  We place a strong emphasis on these questions and expect children to answer them in as much detail as possible.  It is only by improving their understanding of what they have read that children will improve in their reading.

Your child will also have a reading record (B-Link Book).  We ask that you listen to your child read a minimum of once a week and help them to answer their comprehension questions.  Please make a short comment in their B-Link Book about their reading.


Class Dojo

LSC 2 uses Class Dojo and Seesaw to keep in contact with our parents.  We upload photos and send information to parents.  For more information about Class Dojo or Seesaw, please speak to Mrs French or another member of the LSC 2 staff.