KS2 Classes / KS2 Dosbarthiadau

Croeso i Key Stage 2.  Here you will find information about KS2 in general as well as links to each KS2 class.  If you have any questions or queries please in the first instance contact your child’s teacher. We communicate messages to parents via Class Dojo.

Pick Up and Drop Off

All children should line up in their class zones on the KS2 yard where they will be met by a member of staff from 8.40am.  They will be escorted into school at 8.50am.  If you arrive earlier than 8.40am please wait with your child until the teacher is on duty.  Children who attend breakfast club will be brought to the yard by a member of the breakfast club staff.

At the end of the day, the children will be dismissed as follows:

Mrs Skeltons’ class are dismissed from her class door under the shelter

Mrs Morgan’s/Mrs Clarke’s class is dismissed from his class door at the side of the building

Mrs Poley-Jones’ class is dismissed from the side door (Ascot Drive entrance)

Miss Kennedy’s & Mrs Maggs’ classes are dismissed from the rear fire escape

If it is raining, children are able to go straight to their classes through their usual class door no earlier than 8.40am.

If you arrive at school after 8.50am, please be aware that you will need to take your child to the Main Office.  If you wish to collect your child early, please visit the Main Office and your child will be brought to you.  Please do not attempt to collect your child from their classroom as your child must be signed out.

If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher and they are not on duty on the school yard, please contact the Main Office.  For Safeguarding reasons, parents are not permitted to enter the school without being signed in by a member of school staff.


Staff need to be aware of your child’s medical background, in particular any allergies (e.g. bee stings, dairy food), any dietary restrictions (e.g. vegetarian or Halal) and any medical conditions that are important for us to know (e.g. asthma or eczema). Parents/carers will need to fill in medical forms which are available in the main office or electronically on Schoop. All medication needs to be given to the main office, not the class teacher.

Children can suddenly become ill and therefore it is important that we know we can contact you or another adult relative/friend at all times. Please ensure that the school is kept up to date with your contact details. 

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please do not send him/her to school, please telephone us to let us know on the first day of absence. In cases of vomiting or diarrhoea, your child should remain at home until 48 hours have elapsed since the last episode. In all cases of contagious diseases, the school should be informed immediately and medical clearance must be obtained before your child returns to school. 

Headlice are an unfortunate recurring problem in school life. If discovered, please notify staff and keep your child at home until treated.  


All homework is available on J2Homework (accessible via HWB).  This term’s homework will be class-based and linked to work being completed during our lessons.  Children should complete their work online through J2E or, alternatively, if the work is done on paper it should be photographed and the photo uploaded to their J2E folder.

For guidance on how to access homework on J2Homework please see the link below.

HWB Guide For Parents


As of Autumn Term 2022, we will be implementing our new Read Write Inc. literacy schemes. Pupils will begin with Read Write Inc. Phonics and progress through the scheme to Read Write Inc. Comprehension and finally Read Write Inc. Literacy & Language.

Pupils being taught with the Read Write Inc. Phonics scheme will be assessed every half-term and placed in an appropriate group. Pupils will be allocated online Read Write Inc. Phonics Storybooks, accessible via Oxford Owl: www.oxfordowl.co.uk. Pupils will be allocated 1-2 books per week depending on their group, along with a phonics practice quiz. Please speak to your child’s class teacher for information on their username, password and school code.

Please read our Parent booklet for further information on the Read Write Inc. Phonics scheme: Parent Booklet – RWI Phonics

Pupils who progress to Read Write Inc. Comprehension and Read Write Inc Literacy & Language will continue to read Bug Club books. Please read our information on the Bug Club reading scheme for more information: “Bug Club” Reading Scheme / Darllen

Music Lessons

We are proud to offer free music lessons to children in Years 4 – 6.  Miss Kent and Mrs Maddock visit the school on a Wednesday afternoon and take violin, flute and clarinet lessons.

This service is currently offered at great expense to the school.  We therefore respectfully ask that children who are selected for these lessons remember to bring their instrument every Wednesday and take it home to practise.  Children are required to show a commitment to learning to play their                                                           instrument in order to continue with their lessons.

Please click a class for more information…