Key Stage 2 Pantomime Visit
Key Stage 2 will be visiting Pontardawe Arts Centre on Thursday 20th December. They will be watching Beauty And The Beast. Buses will leave school at 9.10am and return at approximately 12.45pm. Children will therefore need to bring a packed lunch.
Valentine’s Disco
Our Valentine Disco is being held on Thursday 14th February in the Junior Hall. Foundation Phase children will attend from 4:00pm - 5:00pm. Foundation Phase children must be accompanied by an adult. Key Stage 2 children will attend from 5:15pm - 6:30pm. KS2 children can stay unsupervised but please can you ensure they are brought […]
St David’s Day Week
Children can wear their Welsh costumes or red tops all week (no jeans though, please). Our school Eisteddfod will be held on Tuesday 5th March.
Trip – School & Eco Council
School and Eco Council members will be visiting Sony in Bridgend. They will be accompanied by Mrs Morgan & Mr Biddiscombe.
Red Nose Day
Comic Relief - Red Nose Day Non-Uniform day - £1 voluntary donation