
LSC 2 (Mrs French) Class Assembly

Family members are invited to the assembly which will be a celebration of the work the children have been busy with in class.  The assembly will begin at 9.15am and will last for around 30 minutes. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits available after the assembly should you wish to stay and chat with […]

Oakwood Trip – Key Stage 2

A coach will leave the school at 9.10am and will return at approx. 4.45pm. A packed lunch is required. The total cost of the visit is £22 (£14.50 entry to the park and £7.50 for the bus). In order to secure a place on the trip, a non-refundable deposit of £10 is required by Friday […]

Giant Wiggle Walk (Nursery, Reception & LSC1)

Nursery, Reception and LSC1 are taking part in the Giant Wiggle for Action for Children. On Friday 14th June, we’re inviting pupils to join us on a fundraising walk themed around The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We’re asking everyone who takes part to make a £1 donation, so we can help vulnerable children in the UK […]