Dear Parents/Guardians
As we start to prepare for the upcoming festive season, we would like to ask you to just pause and think about families and individuals that may find this particular time of year very difficult.
Therefore, due to the success of last year’s “Blessing Bag” campaign we are once again asking each family at Blaenbaglan to make up and gift a Christmas gift for the homeless and needy within our local communities.
This year we are asking that you make up a Christmas gift bag filled with items selected from our suggestion list which you will find below. We also ask that these are returned to school by the second week in December so that all the bags can be collected in time for gifting.
The families and individuals who received your very generous donations last year were extremely touched and blessed by their gifts and we hope that this year we can replicate that generosity at this very special time of year.
Please find a list of suggested items below:
Female | Male |
Toothpaste/toothbrush | Toothpaste/toothbrush |
Soap/shower gel | Soap/shower gel |
Roll on deodorant / hairbrush | Roll on deodorant |
Sanitary towels | Hairbrush |
Flannels/face wipes/lip balm/tissues | Flannels/lip balm/shaving cream |
Sachets of hot chocolate/coffee/cappuccino | Sachets of hot chocolate/coffee/cappuccino |
Chocolates/biscuits/brunch bars | Chocolates/biscuits/brunch bars |
Mini hot water bottles/hand warmers | Mini hot water bottles/hand warmers |
Socks/gloves/hat/scarf | Socks/gloves/hat/scarf |
First aid supplies & nail clippers (plasters/dressings /alcohol hand wipes & chewable vitamins) | |
Reusable water bottles |
We know that each and every family at Blaenbaglan consistently supports our charity drives and we look forward to being able to make a difference in our local community by gifting the needy with presents that will surely help them enjoy this 2019 festive season.
Yours sincerely
Blaenbaglan School Council