Blaenbaglan Primary School

Together We Believe, Achieve & Succeed

Here at Blaenbaglan Primary school we pride ourselves on continually pursuing higher standards through a broad and cohesive curriculum with an emphasis on independence and creativity. As it is through these that individuals can take responsibility for their own learning, make informed choices and solve problems. Safeguarding our pupils is at the forefront of everything we do – We create a safe and stimulating learning environment and identify children who are suffering from or may be at risk of harm and take suitable action. Everyone in the school who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. On this site you will find an important resource of information and guidance for pupils, parents and friends of the school. More information on the activities and accomplishments of our pupils are available from the school. Visitors are always welcome. Please feel free to contact the school with any queries.

Best Wishes,

David Burrows
