Year 2 – Mrs Maggs & Mrs Morgan

Croeso i dosbarth Mrs Maggs & Mrs Morgan!  Here you will find important information about our school week.

We send class information via Class Dojo and Schoop. Whole school messages/events/information are sent via Schoop. Please ask if you need support in setting up.

Pick Up and Drop Off

Please could all children be brought to the Foundation Phase yard where they will be met by staff at 8.40am.  If it is raining, please accompany children to the classroom entrance no earlier than 8.40am.

If you arrive at school after 8.50am, please take your child to the Main Office.  The class teachers are not permitted to open doors for parents after this time.

If you wish to collect your child early, please visit the Main Office and your child will be brought to you.  Please do not attempt to collect your child from their classroom as he/she must be signed out by Mrs Allen

At home time, please collect your child from their class zone on the Foundation Phase yard (the shelter on the Foundation Phase yard if it is raining) where they will be dismissed by a member of staff at 3.20pm.​

Your child will only be dismissed to a known adult. If somebody unknown to the teacher is to collect your child, please let both your child and the teacher know beforehand.  We also need to be informed about any pick-ups and drop-offs made by a creche.  Any child who has not been collected by 3:30pm will be taken to the Main Office.


Staff need to be aware of your child’s medical background, in particular any allergies (e.g. bee stings, dairy food), any dietary restrictions (e.g. vegetarian or Halal) and any medical conditions that are important for us to know (e.g. asthma or eczema). Parents/carers will need to fill in medical forms which are available in the main office or electronically on Schoop. All medication needs to be given to the main office, not the class teacher.

Children can suddenly become ill and therefore it is important that we know we can contact you or another adult relative/friend at all times. Please ensure that the school is kept up to date with your contact details. 

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please do not send him/her to school, please telephone us to let us know on the first day of absence. In cases of vomiting or diarrhoea, your child should remain at home until 48 hours have elapsed since the last episode. In all cases of contagious diseases, the school should be informed immediately and medical clearance must be obtained before your child returns to school. 

Headlice are an unfortunate recurring problem in school life. If discovered, please notify staff and keep your child at home until treated.  


Our PE day is a Monday so please could you ensure your child brings their labelled kit (white t-shirt, black/navy shorts and trainers) in on a Tuesday.  The children also have access to our outdoor area everyday so please could you ensure they have a coat and wellies in school each day.  Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.  All jewellery must be removed for PE sessions.

Snack / Cooking

We encourage healthy eating at Blaenbaglan and allow children to bring in a fruit or vegetable snack of their choice.  We will continue to provide a snack on a Friday.

At times during the school year we may ask for a donation of £1 (through ParentPay) which will go towards the cost of cooking ingredients and resources.  Please let us know if your child cannot eat certain foods for any reason (medical or other).


Children’s weekly homework is reading via Oxford Owl for your child’s Read Write Inc group. Topic Homework when applicable will be sent via j2homework on HWB. Work can be completed online although we encourage work to be completed on paper to help improve your child’s pencil control and formation.  If work is completed on paper, children are asked to take a photograph and upload it to their J2E folder.

For guidance on how to access homework on J2Homework please see the link below.

HWB Guide For Parents


Your child benefits from a range of reading activities in class including guided and shared reading.

Children’s weekly homework is reading via Oxford Owl for your child’s Read Write Inc group. Topic Homework when applicable will be sent via j2homework on HWB. Work can be completed online although we encourage work to be completed on paper to help improve your child’s pencil control and formation.  If work is completed on paper, children are asked to take a photograph and upload it to their J2E folder.

For guidance on how to access homework on J2Homework please see the link below.

HWB Guide For Parents

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